Tuesday, May 31, 2011

my salad needs help!

One of my New Year's Resolutions this year was to eat more salad.  As a vegetarian/vegan, you'd think I eat salad all the time but I don't.  My goal was to eat salad three times a week.  The year started out great and I was having salad either as a meal or with a meal several times a week (often more than three!).  However, lately I've fallen out of the rhythm.  I got into a rut of a plain salad, sometimes dressed up with extras but often not, and I've quickly gotten bored with it.  I need to get back into having salad more often.  Today I threw some gorgeous raspberries onto the salad.  It was yummy but now I'm out of raspberries so what do I do tomorrow?  Do you have suggestions to make salad more exciting?  What are your favorite toppings and/or additions?   

Sunday, May 29, 2011

pesto-based pizza

Everyone loves pizza and my family is no exception.  My kids' favorite meal is make-your-own pizza.  They load theirs up with cheese and "pepperoni" and it's always a meal they'll actually eat.  While they are creating their masterpieces, I create my own vegan version.  Today's pizza (for lunch) included fresh walnut-basil pesto, sundried tomatoes, red onion, artichoke hearts, broccoli and "pepperoni".  I always throw on whatever is around but this particular combination was especially delicious!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Back to sugar free

So, it's been a while since I updated. P90x went out the window once I went on vacation. That is kind of how I work- all or nothing! I had only missed one day and then when I missed 2 in a row it just made it too easy to stop altogether. I have been running off and on, but not too consistent with that either. It is time to get motivated again! So, here I go with no (added)sugar for 30 days. It always works to jump start my metabolism and help me feel great! It's been 3 days and I have lost 3.5 lbs- woo hoo!

Sample Eating Plan

Breakfast- oatmeal, skim milk, blueberries
Lunch-HUGE salad with beans or some type of meat, no grain, apple
Dinner- HUGE salad and lean meat or a meatless soup, rice

I can't wait to feel good again and I know it will help my running too!

Thanks for all the inspiration Cherl! Any more ideas would be great. Although, I am a much simpler cook than you are so I am impressed with the recipes you make!